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Where to use Marc Pro to Recover from a Lengthy Cycling Session

How do you recover from a long ride? Willie Myers, rider for the Marc Pro Cycling Team, gave some insight on how he used his Marc Pro to recover from a 5+ hour cycling workout.

Winter months mean long, slow rides and being in Sacramento I have no shortage of flat, uninterrupted riding. I started at my house and decided to ride up north to a little town called Wheatland that I’d never been to. From there, I pedaled through some nice countryside enjoying some scenery before heading back south and into town. On days like this, I will keep the heart rate low in z1-2 and just stack on the miles while keeping close attention to eating and hydrating correctly.

Workout Details:

Distance: 98.3 miles

Time: 5 hour 48 min

Elevation gain: 2,346 ft

Willie uses Strava to track his ride details. You can see more info from his ride here.

Marc Pro Recovery Details:

My usual Marc Pro session includes about 30 minutes of work on the quads with some hip flexor and glute work thrown in if needed. Some days can be harder than others on certain parts of the body, so I try to vary my Marc Pro usage accordingly.

To see how other cyclists are using Marc Pro, check out these articles:

Recovering from Cycling Sprint Training

How to Recover from Winter Training