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Team Wattie Ink – Marc Pro Review

Damie Roberts, the Central Region Captain for team Wattie Ink, recently wrote her review of the Marc Pro.  Being a triathlete, Damie knows the importance of recovery and conditioning.  The body needs time “to rest, recover, and absorb the training in order to take on increased loads in the future.”  Plus, as a physical therapist, Damie is very familiar with EMS machines.  In her review, she breaks down how the unit’s technology compares to other EMS devices and recovery tools out there.  Check out her full Marc Pro Review here.

“With Marc Pro, the muscles are directly involved in the movement of waste, as they should be.  And that, my fellow triathletes, is the heart of active recovery.  We often spin on our bikes to flush out our legs by engaging our muscles to move fluid.  However, with the Marc Pro system, you take out the fatigue involved in active full body movement, and replace it with active muscle recovery without the resulting fatigue. “


marc pro review