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Proper Squat Form | Ben Smith

proper squat formBen Smith’s favorite exercise for building strength is the squat. There are a lot of variations of the squat, but it’s important to nail proper squat form before moving on to more advanced variations, such as an overhead squat, back squat, or front squat. To help you master the air squat, Ben Smith breaks it down and shows you the proper form for each movement associated with the squat.

3 Steps to Proper Squat Form

  1. Feet Outside Shoulder Width

The first thing to be conscious of is your stance. Set feet just outside shoulder width. If you are less flexible, point toes slightly outward. If you are more flexible, point toes straight ahead.

  1. Knees Directly Over Toes

When bending into the squat, make sure knees track directly over your toes. A common fault is allowing knees to cave in. Make sure you are using your hips to drag out knees so they stay over the toes.

  1. Weight Evenly Distributed

When descending into the squat position, keep weight evenly distributed in your foot. Do not put all your weight on your toes or heels alone. On the ascent, drive the movement through your midfoot or heels. Always make sure balance is maintained.

Other Tips to Master Squat Form

Beyond the three main tips to keep in mind, Ben offers some more specific advice. When ready to drop into the squat, send hips back and down. Get the hip crease below the knee. Throughout the entire squat, be sure to maintain a tall, upright position. One easy way to know if you are in the right position is if you have a logo or design on the front of your shirt, make sure you are always able to read that image as you descend into the squat.

In this video, Ben Smith walks through each component of the squat so you too have all the tools to perfect your own form. Once you master proper air squat form, try moving on to a back squat or weighted squat to build even more strength.


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