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Interview With Pro Triathlete Matty Reed

matty reedMarc Pro Athlete Spotlight: Matty Reed – Part II

We’ve known Matty Reed for years as one of the world’s best professional triathletes. He has countless triathlon championship titles and Ironman wins under his belt from locations all over the world. Matty won the USA Triathlon’s Athlete of the Year Award in 2008 and finished 5th in the ITU World Championships, which encompasses a 1,500 meter open water swim, 40 kilometers of cycling and a 10 kilometer run. He even competed in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

We talked with Matty recently about his workout and competition recovery routine and philosophy.

The Importance of Muscle Recovery

Throughout his career, Matty has realized the importance of full muscle recovery after strenuous endurance sessions. He’ll replenish nutrients with a protein shake, and then use an electronic muscle recovery device to help eliminate the body’s fatigue, allowing better performance and reducing the risk of injury. He first learned about the Marc Pro’s electronic muscle conditioning technology when he was searching online for products to ease sore muscles and achieve full recovery.

“At this stage of my career, recovery has become so important. Marc Pro gives me the edge to help my body recover and optimize each workout,” he says. The ease of use allows him to gain the benefits of full recovery while traveling – or even while watching Denver Nuggets games.

“There are many stresses in Triathlon training. Three sports is a tough task and keeping the body fully recovered is key to staying injury-free,” according to Matty.

Incorporating Recovery Technology

The problem with achieving full recovery through traditional methods, like a light bike ride or walk, is that it’s limited. If an athlete is too aggressive, fatigue occurs; if it’s not enough, there’s no benefit. The solution to the problem for Matty was the Marc Pro electronic muscle stimulation device for active recovery.

“I like how easy it is to use and how well it works the muscles and how efficiently it improves muscle function,” he says.

Matty uses Marc Pro for around 30 minutes per day, working the tightest muscles first. Tight muscles can lead to injuries and he maintains that the device is essential to relieving the tension.

Now that he’s wearing two hats in the triathlete training world – athlete and coach, Matty is happy to share his experience and knowledge about competing and the importance of active muscle recovery post-workout.

What else did Matty have to say about Marc Pro?

How did you first hear about Marc Pro?

I first heard about Marc Pro via the internet.

What do you like about Marc Pro?

I like how easy it is to use, how well it works the muscles, and how efficiently it improves muscle function.

Why should other athletes use it?

Keeping muscles loose and recovered allows you to be able to work harder day in and day out. To get faster and stay injury free.

Any shortcuts or little known tips you can share? Marc Pro or other?

You can use Marc Pro anywhere: from at a coffee shop to traveling on an airplane.