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Fun Games to Spice Up Your Fourth of July!

fourth of julyThe Fourth of July is a great to kick back with friends, enjoy some tasty BBQ, and get out to the beach. But while you are patiently awaiting the spectacular firework shows, why not fill some time with some Olympic-themed games that not only are fun, but get you moving around in the spirit of the upcoming Olympiad! No one can resist a little competition, especially us athletes!

The Marc Pro team suggested their top picks for games that are sure to add some sparkle and fun to your upcoming Fourth of July events:

  • Water Balloon Shotput– the shotput takes tremendous strength and tenacity, and in the case of backyard fun, water balloons. Just fill up some water balloons to see who can “put” them the farthest. Need markers to keep track of everyone’s best throws? Consider eating a popsicle and then writing your name on the stick for a tasty and ‘green’ way to keep track of your personal best shotput. Don’t like filling up or tying water balloons? Use this nifty item to fill 100 water balloons in under a minute!
  • Relay Racerelays at the Olympics are always high stakes, and the ultimate chance for a country to show the ultimate teamwork. Consider a traditional relay race with batons from point to point on the sand, or a different approach with an ‘egg and spoon’ relay.
  • Balance Beam– The balance beam combines balance and strength for routines that are both challenging and nerve wracking for participants and spectators alike. You can make your own balance beam for backyard practice and judging, or simply use a curb or chalked-out balance beam on the ground. Then let the scorecards fly as kids and adults try out their best routine. Make sure to stick the landing.
  • Swimming Races– simple, yet fun, swimming races let you brave the waters and see if you can edge out your competition. You can make the swim races more challenging with relay components, such as the t-shirt relay, where one swimmer wears a shirt while swimming, and then passes the shirt to the next team member who must put it on before starting their swim portion.

After a long day of swimming, running, and even shotputting on the Fourth of July, make sure to unwind with the Marc Pro to give your body some much needed relaxation. After all, you just competed in the Olympics!

Do you have any backyard games that are good additions to our Marc Pro list? Tweet or Instagram us your best ideas!