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Colorado Rapids Head Athletic Trainer Discusses Marc Pro

Rick Guter has spent over 27 years helping soccer players prevent injuries, recover, and get back on the field. He currently works as the Head Athletic Trainer for the Colorado Rapids in Major League Soccer. In the past, he’s worked as the Head Athletic Trainer for the US Women’s Team during their 2015 World Cup win.

How Soccer Players Utilize Marc Pro

Soccer players will often experience perpetual soreness in their groin. As Head Athletic Trainer, Rick recommends his players use Marc Pro to help combat tired & sore muscles. Many of his players will often ask for Marc Pro themselves, knowing how it makes them feel the next day. Both the Colorado Rapids team captain and a key player from the women’s World Cup team use Marc Pro post-game and the next morning as their primary source of recovery.

How Long Should Athletes Use Marc Pro For?

Professional soccer players need their bodies to be in top shape for every game and practice. That’s why Rick suggests they start with an hour, take a little break, and then repeat the process. If a player is extra sore, he may suggest a two-hour session. A big benefit of using Marc Pro is that athletes can recover while watching TV at nighttime – the device does the work while they’re otherwise engaged.

At What Age Should You Start Using Marc Pro?

The general rule of thumb Rick uses for deciding at what age an athlete might start using Marc Pro is when they begin to develop post-exercise soreness. Once an athlete is at the point where soreness becomes an issue, Marc Pro is a great tool to aid in their recovery.

Common Marc Pro Usage for Soccer Players

Soccer is such a groin dependent activity. Many soccer players will get sore and tired in this area. Using Marc Pro after practice, games, or lifting sessions can help flush the legs and prevent any sort of DOMS onset. It’s also common for players to experience tight hips. Rick recommends his Colorado Rapids players use Marc Pro’s groin and hip flexor placement to address these common problem areas.

colorado rapids marc pro placement

colorado rapids marc pro hip placement