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5 Core Exercises to Spice Up Your Summer Routine

When the temperatures start rising, so does the desire to hit the beach with the ultimate 6-pack abs in tow. While summer brings attention to the abs for beachwear, this is the perfect time to inspire a better core that can lead to increased strength overall.

Many individuals spend hours and hours sitting in front of a computer at work or at home, which can lead to stress in the lower back and body. In addition, it is not uncommon for individuals to lift items incorrectly around the home—the trashcan, heavy boxes, or even oddly shaped packages at the front door. A stronger core can ensure that minor strains are avoided when picking things up properly.

There is no better time than now to fire up that core with some exercises that can add more spice to your regular routine than your summer BBQ!

1. 360-Degree Plank- we all know the classic ‘plank’ exercise, which is tremendous for adding strength to the core when done properly, with elbows and shoulders in alignment, and hips not dropping. However, did you know that you can add some ‘spice’ to the plank by doing plank on your sides and even on your back?

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2. Static V-Sit- this exercise can be challenging, but can be extremely rewarding as you continue building strength and increasing the time that you are able to hold the position.

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3. Superman- after doing this exercise, you might feel so good that you think you really are Superman! The “core” is not only comprised of your abdominals, but also your back, which is a key area that is often forgotten in these exercises. The Superman exercise allows for the glutes and back to also get a great workout so you can feel the benefits of an overall great core.

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4. Bird Dog- while this core exercise has a funny name, you probably won’t be able to laugh while maintaining focus during this exercise. With the bird dog, the major targets are both the back and abdominals. Make sure to do this exercise slowly to maximize the benefits.

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5. Russian Twists- the Russian Twist exercise can be conducted with or without weights, but with a focus on slow, targeted movement.


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A stronger core can help with better athletic performance, and also help support the spine, and even increase balance. Do you have a core exercise that you want to share with the Marc Pro community? Tweet at us or show us via Instagram your best core routine to inspire others to start summer, and every other season, off right!