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Attention Baseball Pitchers! Take a Look at the Top 8 Throwing Muscle Recovery Tips

top throwing recovery tips for baseball pitchersPitchers are a valuable part of any baseball team, yet the muscle performance required to pitch an entire game is one of the most taxing in the entire sport; this is a big part of the reason why many professional pitchers only pitch in games once every four or five days.

For pitchers who want to pitch as often as possible, it is important to minimize recovery time. Here are eight of the top throwing recovery tips for baseball pitchers.

1. Stretch Properly

Although there is a major misconception in the athletic community that stretching will prevent injury, some research has shown that stretching can negatively affect performance. Instead, you should make stretching a regular part of your recovery and training routines so that you can benefit from the improved circulation and flexibility that stretching can bring.

2. Get a Massage

Massage treatment on the muscles that are primarily involved in pitching such as the deltoid muscles and the triceps will help stimulate blood flow in this area, which improves recovery by making it easier for your muscles to receive the nutrients they need through the bloodstream.

3. Use a Foam Roller

Foam rollers are very valuable to help loosen and stretch the muscles. The use of a foam roller after you finish pitching can help recovery by allowing your muscles to stay loose, thereby improving your circulation.

4. Get Some Exercise

Light cardiovascular exercise that gets your blood pumping is among the top throwing recovery tips for baseball pitchers because it helps keep blood flowing, which facilitates muscle recovery. David Price, the Cy Young Award-winning starting pitcher for the Detroit Tigers, says that he runs to help his muscles feel better.

5. Consider Your Diet

The foods you eat have a big impact on your throwing recovery. With the right nutrients, your muscles can build themselves back up after being worn down during a long pitching session.

6. Watch Your Mechanics

If you throw the ball the wrong way, it can lead to muscle pain or discomfort. Prolonged pitching with improper mechanics can even lead to injury, which is why it is important to make sure you are not harming your muscles when you throw.

7. Track Your Pitch Counts

This is an especially important habit for younger pitchers whose muscles may still be growing. While you may not want to limit your activity, it is important you know your body’s limits and can recognize when you are getting close to throwing too many pitches.

8. Invest in Modern Recovery Equipment

For those pitchers who are looking to recover as quickly as they can, devices that stimulate the muscles into faster recovery can be extremely valuable. This is why the Marc Pro is used by players and trainers from every professional baseball team, including the Arizona Diamondbacks, Boston Red Sox, and New York Yankees.

With these top throwing recovery tips for baseball pitchers, any pitcher can cut down on the time they spend resting so they can invest more time in working on their craft to help them beat opposing batters more often.